tonlé with grey jays
AND carry courage

Tonlé is a zero-waste, maker-led ethical fashion brand with a community-based and restorative approach to fashion.Through a sustainable zero waste process, they create clothing, accessories and homewares from reclaimed materials that other manufacturers consider waste. The brand strives for circularity, climate justice to mitigate the fashion industry’s devastating impact on the planet and equity. Plant Kween (a.k.a Christopher) is a queer femme activist who collaborated with Tonlé in this collection.

grey jays is a sustainable jewelry brand. By using found, foraged and repurposed objects, the brand’s  aim is to reuse waste that already exists in the world, create jewelry to last, reduce the impact on the earth and generate awareness of the industry and consumption.

Carry Courage is an ethical accessories  brand. The brand’s maker based business allows them to have the most control over fair labor practices, as well as the quality of their products.  All  items are created in small quantities using earth conscious materials like cork fabric and linen and hand sew in a local studio.

Production / Creative Direction / Photography: Waquila Silva , Arthuro Alves, PAIS

Model: Waquila Silva